Preliminary Analysis: SEED’s First Year

Stockton, California is a city on the rise. We’re a microcosm of America – 41% Latinx, 37% White, 21% Asian, 12% Black. Nearly ⅓ of our population is foreign-born. Once the foreclosure capital of the nation and the largest city before Detroit to declare bankruptcy, we’re turning the corner. Crime rates are dropping, municipal fiscal health is stabilizing and our population is growing.
Yet problems persist – our median household income of $46,033 falls far below the state’s. Our unemployment is hovering at 7.3%. We are 18th in the nation for child poverty, and nearly ¼ residents lives below the federal poverty line.
It’s clear – the status quo simply isn’t working and incremental change just won’t cut it. It’s time to try something different and address the root cause of poverty – lack of cash.
SEED was born out of the simple belief that the best investments we can make are in our people. In February 2019, we began giving 125 Stocktonians a guaranteed income of $500/month for 24 months. This income is unconditional, meaning there are no strings attached and no work requirements. A hand up, rather than a hand out, SEED seeks to empower its recipients financially and to prove to supporters and skeptics alike that poverty results from a lack of cash, not character.
Guaranteed income reduced income volatility, or the month-to-month income fluctuations that households face.
Recipients of guaranteed income were healthier, showing less depression and anxiety and enhanced wellbeing.
Unconditional cash enabled recipients to find full-time employment.
The guaranteed income alleviated financial scarcity creating new opportunities for self-determination, choice, goal-setting, and risk-taking.
Sukhi Samra is the Director of the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, the nation’s first mayor-led guaranteed income demonstration. She was previously a policy aide to Mayor Tubbs, playing a critical role in the launch of the Stockton Scholars, an ambitious college access initiative, and in publishing the inaugural Report on the Status of Women. Sukhi is originally from Fresno, CA and graduated from Stanford University as a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
From SEED grew Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, a coalition of 50 mayors and counting who are advocating for a federal guaranteed income. Sign up to join.